
How Do I Drag And Drop When Building A Mailchimp Template

Design an Email with the Classic Architect

Utilise our archetype email architect to pattern a campaign to sell products, promote your brand, boost audition engagement, and more. Arrange drag-and-drop content blocks to speedily get the look you lot need, or code your own template from scratch.

In this article, you'll acquire the basics to design an electronic mail with the classic builder in Mailchimp.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • This article tells you how to use our archetype architect to design a regular email entrada. To utilize our new builder instead, change the builder in your Account Details folio.

Choose the archetype architect

Yous'll select the classic email architect from a popular-upward modal in the email builder if you lot oasis't set it in your Account Details page.

To cull the classic architect, follow these steps.

  1. In the Content section of the email builder, click Design Email.
  2. In the pop-up modal, click Select in the classic architect option.
    After you select classic builder two times, we'll set it every bit the account default.

Nice! Yous'll blueprint your regular electronic mail in our classic builder. Next you'll choose a template to use equally a foundation for your email's design.

Select a template

When you create a regular email campaign in Mailchimp, you'll choose a template in the Content section of the entrada builder. The template you lot select will be the foundation of your blueprint.


Depending on your plan, you may not have access to all of the template options. To find out what features are included in each plan, check out our pricing page.

Here are the dissimilar template categories and what they include.

  • Layouts The layouts category includes Featured and Basic designs. Featured templates were designed with specific goals in mind. Each template contains customizable content blocks yous can use to promote new items, and more. Bones templates are available in regular and full width versions. Full width templates extend the background of each entrada department across the entire width of the customer it's existence viewed in.
  • Themes We teamed upward with some of the most talented designers on the web to bring you lot beautiful predesigned templates that are simple to employ.
  • Saved templates This tab includes templates you uploaded on the Templates page of your account, and any email designs that yous saved as templates for use in future campaigns. Select a template from Saved Templates, and edit the content and design how you lot want.
  • Campaigns Choose one of your recently sent or typhoon email campaigns as the starting betoken for a new campaign. We'll create an exact copy of the email'south content and design, and so yous can edit information technology as needed without starting over from scratch.
  • Code your own If you take a custom-coded template, click Code your ain to paste in your code, import it from a ZIP file, or import it from a URL. Include our template language in your lawmaking to edit the design of the campaign with our Campaign Builder.

Add your content

Later on yous cull a template, you'll motion on to the design step. Use content blocks to add together and format text, upload images, link to files, and more.

All templates show placeholder text and images to help you begin to design your e-mail. Depending on the template you lot cull, you lot can add, delete, move, and replicate content blocks to create the wait and experience you want.

Drag and drop content blocks

Our drag-and-drop editor allows you to indistinguishable, delete, and rearrange content blocks on the wing. Elevate and drop a diversity of content blocks into your layout and rearrange them to customize the look and feel of your campaign.

Add text

The best way to add text to your campaign is to blazon it directly into the content block editing pane. If y'all prefer to work outside of the campaign builder, copy and paste your content from a simple text editor, similar Notepad or TextWrangler.

Avoid rich-text word-processing programs, like Word or Publisher. They add styling code to the text that can forbid your ability to fashion content in the campaign architect.If y'all want to copy content from a rich-text editor, website, or email plan, click the Paste as plain text icon on the editor toolbar to add your text.


If content has already been added to your campaign and you didn't utilise the Paste as plain text option, or if content doesn't update when you utilise styling to your text, click Clear Styles and try again.

Clear styles

Clear styles to remove whatever conflicting formatting or styles that were brought in when you added content. This merely removes the formatting that'due south been applied to your text and does not remove the text itself.

To clear styles from your content, follow these steps.

  1. Click the Text content block you desire to edit.
  2. In the Content tab, highlight the text y'all want to change.
  3. In the editor toolbar, click Clear Styles.

Edit styles

Styles and settings for your campaign blueprint can exist applied from a few unlike places. Each section in your electronic mail campaign is related to another in a hierarchy, so the styles you fix in one area of the entrada architect may touch on other sections.

  • Section Style tab
    Every template is divided into dissimilar sections, like the header, body, and footer. Employ styles to these sections on the Style tab in the campaign architect. When styles are applied to a section, they are also applied to all content blocks in that department.
  • Content cake Style and Settings tabs
    If you lot want 1 of your content blocks to have dissimilar styling from other content blocks in its section, open that content block and set preferences on the Style and Settings tabs for that content cake. Styles you lot utilize here will override the manner for the section that content block is in.
  • Editor toolbar
    Use the editor toolbar in each content block to fine-tune the styling on a line-by-line basis. Changes y'all make hither will override any styles you lot've fix for that content block or section.


Once y'all're comfortable with the basics of designing with the classic builder cheque out our Electronic mail Blueprint Guide for more than tips on designing for email marketing.


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