
How To Prepare A Document To Be Notarized

Woman reading document

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When yous write an official statement, letter or contract, in some cases the recipient needs to receive a notarized copy of the document. A document is notarized when a notary public (a professional charged by the country to testify to the signing of official documents) stamps and signs the paper. Yous tin commencement creating a notarized document using any discussion processing programme.

Man on laptop

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Load your discussion processor. Write your document in a professional person business format. The standard format for a business letter of the alphabet or statement is to identify your name and address at the very top, so the engagement, the recipient's full address information, the greeting (Dear Mrs. Smith), the body and finally the closing. Exit a bare line between each element of the document (such as date, address block, and trunk). Leave the same amount of space at the top and bottom of your certificate so that your document is centered vertically on the page. If y'all're composing a contract, use a professional template. You can download a contract template from websites similar Onecle or ContractStore.

Woman typing document

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Country your business organisation in the trunk of the certificate. Be as detailed as possible then that the recipient understands your purpose and terms. Enter your contact phone number and whatsoever applicable account numbers on the document.

Woman typing on laptop

... Jupiterimages/Pixland/Getty Images

Enter your endmost salutation (such as "Sincerely" or "Regards") and then skip two lines to leave a blank space for signing. Print your full proper noun at the finish of the letter. For a business organization contract, place an 10 and so a series of underscores where yous tin can place a signature, and then impress your proper name under the line. The line gives you space to sign the document in the presence of the notary.

Woman calling notary locations

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Print the contract and take it to a local notary. Licensed notary public professionals oft piece of work at banks, insurance offices and at bank check cashing locations among other business settings.

Man notarizing document

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Present your government-issued identification to the notary public along with the printed document. Sign in the area you designated at the bottom of the document and permit the notary to stamp it to make it official. The notary records your identification data and date in his records.

About the Author

Louise Balle has been writing Web articles since 2004, roofing everything from business promotion to topics on beauty. Her piece of work can be found on various websites. She has a small-scale-business organisation groundwork and experience as a layout and graphics designer for Web and book projects.

How To Prepare A Document To Be Notarized,


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